International Sculpture Center Innovator Award
- 05 Jul 2022
- Entry fee: unknown
- Prize: 9999.99 and • One year Professional level ISC Membership •Recognition on and in Sculpture Magazine •Virtual event to present work/project to the ISC Sculpture Community•Residency opportunity (if available)
- Sculpture
The ISC Innovator Award was established to recognize the creative innovation of individuals, organizations, or collectives who develop new ideas and work to improve and/or expand the field of contemporary sculpture. The recipient of this award demonstrates a commitment to their community and effects social change through their work. • Prize: $1,000 (£796.12) Cash prize • One year Professional (individual) or Associate (organization) level • ISC Membership • Recognition on and in Sculpture Magazine • Virtual event to present work/project to the ISC Sculpture Community • Residency opportunity (if available)