Artychoke Zine Summer 2022 Cover
- 31 May 2022
- Entry fee: Free
- Prize: 0.00 and Cover Artwork on Magazine
- Prints
Hey Resistors! Artychoke Zine needs you! We’re on the lookout for visual artists (of any discipline) for the cover of our Summer Issue. Previous issues have featured the work of illustrator Mar Torrano, photographer Mar Casanovas, textile artist Rowan Riley and tattoo artist Albert Puigcercós. The Summer Issue’s theme is Climate Crisis and the cover must also include an artichoke. Submissions must also consider that the magazine title, issue number, and tagline will be superimposed over the image. About Artychoke Zine: Artychoke Zine first published on 21st December 2020 and is the lovechild of editors Anna Cabré -Verdiell Bosch and Charlotte Arnold. Artychoke Zine is devoted to showcasing the arts as a means OF & FOR Resistance. That’s our philosophy and the MAIN reason behind the publication. So far Artychoke is a totally unfunded magazine. However, readers have the option to make donations which will be equally split with all the collaborators of that issue once costs (Website Domain basically) are covered. We also offer advertising to organisations and businesses which occasionally brings in some money, however, we can’t guarantee that there’ll be an economic reward for being featured in the zine. We will contact you after 31st May, and your work will feature in the Summer issue publishing on 21st June 2022. Here’s what you need to know to apply: The Summer Issue's theme is Climate Crisis. All pieces submitted must relate to this theme, and also include an artichoke. Any form of visual art accepted. To apply: Please send your cover, along with a 20 word bio and any social media links you have. Deadline to apply: Tuesday 31st May 2022